Próximo Congresso Mundial de Musicoterapia será em Seul (2011)
O próximo Congresso Mundial de Musicoterapia acontecerá em Seul, na Coreia do Sul, Asia, de 5 a 9 de julho de 2011, conforme nos informa Dr. Petra Kern. Confira os detalhes (em inglês) Dear WFMT Members,
I hope this email finds you well. The last three months, the WFMT Council worked on many items. We have started the Regional Liaison’s blog on the website, translated parts into Spanish, offered to come to your classrooms virtually, provided information on government accreditation of 29 countries, and opened a facebook group. Additionally, I had the privilege to speak at the inauguration of the new Bachelor program in music therapy at the Federal University of Minas Gerais in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
Today, I am writing you mainly to announce the new location of the 2011 World Congress of Music Therapy.
In December 2008 the Canadian congress hosts informed the WFMT Council that the accepted congress site, Sheraton Center in Downtown Toronto, was no longer feasible due to new insurance policies. Our Canadian colleagues therefore sought out and proposed an alternative location and venue for the congress.
After careful consideration of the revised proposal, a process that involved a series of motions, subsequent discussion among Council members and a series of anonymous votes, the Council concluded via majority vote that the changes were not in the best economic interest of the WFMT members attending the next Congress.
Given the time constraints that were developing for the country who would host the next congress, the Council voted to offer the 2011 World Congress of Music Therapy to South Korea; South Korea had been previously approved as the host for 2014. Dr. Byungchuel Choi accepted to sponsor the 2011 World Congress on April 6, 2009. We are convinced that our Asian colleagues will make the congress affordable, productive, and pleasurable for all attendees. Be part of the first time World Congress of Music Therapy hold in Asia. Explore “Music Therapy in Eastern and Western Philosophies.”
Please find Dr. Choi’s welcome note, the preliminary timeline of the congress, and the registration fees below. Make also sure to check the WFMT website for updates. We are looking forward hearing from you and seeing you at the World
Congress of Music Therapy in Seoul, Korea on July 5-9, 2011.
Petra Kern
Dr. Petra Kern, MT-BVM, MT-BC, MTA
WFMT President
Visiting Scholar, UNC at Chapel Hill
Tel: 805.899.1257
Fax: 805.899.1257
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From the World Congress Chair
My dear fellow music therapists,
I welcome you to Seoul, Korea for the 2011 World Congress of Music Therapy. The 13th World Congress will be very special for all of us. Not only will it be the first WFMT conference in Asia, but it will also feature the first wide scale convergence of eastern and western philosophies in the history of music therapy. All of the conference attendants will be assured a comfortable stay in Seoul. While you are here, I promise to offer plenty of cultural engagements for your enjoyment.
Let us all learn from one another and look forward to a stronger future in music therapy. I hope to see you in Seoul, Korea in 2011.
Byungchuel Choi, Ph.D.
2011 World Congress Chair
Preliminary Timeline
June 2009: goes live
December 1, 2009: Early Bird Registration [1]
January 2011: Call for Papers Deadline
March 2011: Notification of Proposals Acceptance
May 2011: Early Bird Registration [2]
July 5-9, 2011: XIII. World Congress of Music Therapy
Registration Fees
Early Bird [1]: US $200 + 1 free meal
Early Bird [2]: US$ 200
(must be students in the summer of 2011)
Early Bird [1+2]: US $100 + 1 free meal
Onsite Registration
Professionals US $230
Students $100